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RFID Mustering Technology
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You can never be too prepared
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Every day, millions of Americans leave the safety of their homes and go to your facility for work. Emergencies in the workplace are uncommon, but when an emergency arises, your employees expect you to have solid emergency procedures in place.
The fact is, most workplaces do have some emergency response and access control system in place. Depending on the size of your company, you may have an informal plan posted around the office, or you may have a fully automated system in place.
When it comes to keeping your employees safe, every facility should have a well-documented process. The advancements in RFID technology are providing businesses with scalable safety measures that are being used to aid in emergencies, evacuation, and mustering.
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Emergency Situations
Depending on your geographic location, natural disasters such as tornadoes, flash floods, and wildfires can pose a significant danger to your facility. Check out this article to ready how RFID mustering technology was used during the Alberta Wildfire. Another situation is man-made disasters, such as a building fire or toxic release that prompts for an immediate evacuation.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommends that all companies have one emergency warden for every 20 employees[1]. These wardens are responsible for sweeping a building during an evacuation and are the last person to leave when there’s an emergency. This person is also responsible for making sure employees meet at the mustering (or safe zone) area.
RFID mustering technology takes the guesswork out of the evacuation management process, and it’s pretty simple to explain. First, all of your employees would have an employee ID badge with RFID technology. Your facility would have RFID readers placed in and around your facility, which would be hooked up to software. If an emergency or evacuation occurs, the system can be used to determine in real-time how many employees evacuated, and how many remain inside your building.
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Access Control
Do you know who is entering and exiting your building? Not only do access control systems aid in the emergency management and mustering process, but it also helps protect your facility from unauthorized access.
Access control technology provides layered protection, which means you have full control of your facility. You can fully customize access to individual rooms, employees, time of day access, and much more. Plus, access control data is logged in the event you need to see who accessed a specific part of your facility.
[/vc_column_text][vc_single_image image=”5049″ img_size=”full” alignment=”center” style=”vc_box_shadow_3d” qode_css_animation=””][vc_column_text]The right components for access control:
- RFID ID cards
- Implementing a badging system with RFID will allow your business to find your employees’ location in an emergency for real-time visibility.
- RFID Card Printer
- An on-site printer offers you the flexibility to print and encode tagged badges when needed.
- Learn more about the ZXP 7 Series for RFID encoded ID Cards
- RFID Readers
- RFID Software
- Installation, Training, and Support
- Our RFID specialists are certified and have the experience you need to get your emergency management system configured and installed.
- We provide support and training as needed
- Find out more about all of our Professional Services
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Customizable RFID Inventory and Asset Tracking
Our comprehensive system to track and manage assets has fully integrated modules for passive and active RFID technology, calibration, kitting, inventory, service, reports, alerts, mapping and more. It is highly scalable and leverages the latest in RFID and wireless capabilities.
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Have questions about RFID Mustering Solutions? Leave us your contact information and we’ll be happy to help you!
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Solving challenges and making it work for your business is our #1 priority.
AB&R®’s Solution Process
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Phase I
Solution Design
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#c6c6c6″ thickness=”.5″ up=”15″ down=”15″][vc_column_text]During this phase our experts will:
- Perform an in-depth discovery to learn more about your specific requirements & conduct a professional technical assessment.
- Test & validate various hardware, software, and tags/labels, as applicable, to identify ones that will achieve your optimal solution.
- Develop & deliver your Solution Design Specification (SDS): proving our recommendations and detailing the budgeting costs and process we will use to implement your solution.
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Phase II
Solution Implementation
[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal” color=”#c6c6c6″ thickness=”.5″ up=”15″ down=”15″][vc_column_text]During the second phase our experts will:
- Upon your agreement, acquire the selected equipment, software, supplies, and services in your SDS. We will install, configure & calibrate to ensure the solution works to your expectations.
- Confirm your acceptance of the installation, configuration, training, transition, validation, and support, validating that we have met your data-driven expectations for the performance and quality of the implemented solution.
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Customer Experience
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[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]Continued communications will include:
- Customer feedback requests on your experience with AB&R – we want it to be the best experience.
- Quarterly Review meetings to discuss progress, success, outstanding issues that may need further assistance, and ways to further maximize your return on your investment.
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AB&R®’s goal is to provide you with an efficient operation that maximizes ROI. Our solution process has been refined over the years to ensure we keep this promise for every customer.
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