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It’s the digital age.

Take a look at your systems and processes. Are they developing as your business grows? Are they helping you move in the direction you want to go? If you can’t answer both of those with a resounding yes, it’s time for some wisdom from Lao Tzu; “If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.” Printing on paper, keeping hard copies and manually entering data from a handwritten sheet into a digital system takes a toll on your time and on the environment. Now’s your chance to adapt to the times. Make use of the barcode technology so you can automate more, access more, achieve more.

Higher Productivity
By implementing the right solution for their environment, we helped one of our clients turn “what previously was a four-week manual process [into one that] is now completed in 3-days.” Not only did it make the workers job’s easier, it also allowed for more to happen in the day. Decreasing the amount of time it takes workers to complete necessary processes allows them to be more productive without increasing their working hours. The more your workers can accomplish, the leaner your team can become and the faster you can grow. UPG, a propane distributor, calculated that its mobile workers saved three to four minutes per delivery by shifting invoice preparation from a manual process to one using mobile computers and printers. Faster invoice preparation reduced the total time spent at each customer site by 15 to 25 percent, which in turn enabled workers to complete more stops per day. This seemingly small time savings resulted in more customers served, better responsiveness, and improved cash flow.

Greater Accuracy
Manually entering data takes time, attention to detail and is always subject to our old friend – human error. Using scanners like the Granit™ 1980i (wired) and 1981i (wireless) takes that murky, error prone piece out of the equation. They’re packed with technologies that make them easy to use and take the guesswork out of scanning at extended ranges, making them a great tool in warehouses and transportation & logistics environments.

Less Paper, More Automation
Switching to digital means the “paper trail” no longer needs to be on paper. You can leave the days of thick stacks of paper behind and enter the world of automation. Rather than writing down key information, a quick pull of the scanner’s trigger can auto-populate the pertinent information in your system. Alleviate the monotony of data entry and save some trees in the process. What’s not to like about that?

Pen and paper, manual inventory, lengthy cycle counts – these can all be a thing of the past for your business. You have the capability to push further than simply following the direction you are currently heading. Adopting barcodes and scanners into the supply chain allows companies, just like yours, to make more of their resources, producing a leaner, greener, and more accurate workforce.
If you’re interested in learning more about how your company can move from pen and paper processes, fill out the form below!