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How can RFID help your business?

Does your business need an RFID Hero? Whether you are looking to track expensive assets or equipment, gain visibility into your work-in-process throughout the supply chain, or need to increase the accuracy of entry/exit of products at the dock door, our team at AB&R® has the RFID Hero to save the day and successfully achieve results.

RFID Hero Vol. 1:
Asset Tracking Solution
RFID Hero Vol. 2:
RFID Sensors
RFID Hero Edition 1
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RFID Hero Vol. 3:
RFID Dock Door
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More adventures of RFID Hero are coming soon…

RFID Benefits, Industries, & Common Applications

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Benefits by the Numbers Benefits Overview
  • Near 100% inventory accuracy
  • Near 100% order and shipping accuracy
  • Reduced out-of-stocks by up to 80%
  • Reduced inventory carrying costs by up to 59%
  • Reduced labor costs by as much as 30%
  • Up to 40% faster order processing
  • Increased efficiency and productivity
  • Increased up-time and asset utilization
  • Improved customer satisfaction
  • Better work-in-process and material tracking
  • Less down-time and lower maintenance costs
  • Better regulatory and safety compliance
  • Improved asset and employee security
Industries Major Applications
  • Manufacturing
  • Aerospace and Aviation
  • Oil, Gas, and Utilities
  • Warehousing and Logistics
  • Transportation
  • Retail
  • Government
  • Healthcare


Learn more about RFID Solutions

Are you a RFID Hero in your organization? Share your story with us on twitter @BarcodeRFID #RFIDHero

RFID Hero: Real Faces


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