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RFID_2Want to Save Thousands on Your School Budget?
Track and Protect Your Valuable Assets with Affordable RFID Technology.

Managing, tracking, and protecting your school assets is easier and more affordable than ever before with radio frequency identification or RFID technology. RFID tags, handheld readers, and software make it easy to track, locate, and secure valuable assets, including computers, laptops, mobile devices, and audio/visual equipment. You can save thousands of dollars in losses, theft, and damage by streamlining and automating your school asset management with error-free tracking and monitoring. And you can even extend RFID technology to student IDs for improved campus security and automated attendance, checkouts, reservations, and more!

Download Our Free Reports

 Admin IconSchool Administrators:

“RFID 101: Using RFID to Manage School Assets and Achieve Huge Savings”

Learn more about the latest developments and strategies for using RFID to track, manage, and protect school assets, improve campus security and efficiency, and automatically monitor attendance.

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IT iconSchool IT Staff:

“The IT Guide to RFID Solutions for Schools”

Get an overview of the technology behind RFID, its advantages over barcoding, and how your school can easily and affordable implement the latest locationing technologies for IT asset management, campus security, and much more.

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Benefits of RFID for Private Schools

Automate Your Asset Management and Protection

Streamline Your Asset Administration and Save Money

Advantages of RFID vs. Barcodes

Get Free Expert Consultation

At AB&R (American Barcode and RFID), we’ve been serving schools and businesses for 35 years, delivering the latest technology solutions and insights to meet ever-growing needs for smarter and more cost-effective asset management, security, and wireless networking. In partnership with Zebra, a world leader in RFID tracking, wireless networking, and ID card printing, we’d like to offer you free expert consultation to help you assess your asset management needs. We would be happy to help you evaluate your best options in managing and protecting your assets while achieving better efficiency and avoiding costly losses, damage, and theft.[hr]

Schedule Your Free Consultation

Contact us today to schedule a call or set up an appointment at your earliest convenience. We’d love to help your school!