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When you purchase a SmartCare Coverage Plan your annual savings on maintenance and repairs will add up quickly.
Let’s look at the example of simple PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE:

Firmware upgrade
Belt replacement

Average total $450-$500
These costs are simply an average 1-time preventative maintenance that is included in AB&R SmartCare and does not account for any problems over the life of the product.

These costs are only the direct costs. Take into account the costs and downtime when shipping the product to be fixed and returned.

When a printer is covered by standard SmartCare our fee includes preventative maintenance AND everything except abuse and print head replacement.

Learn more about AB&R’s Repair Services

Download information on AB&R’s SmartCare Service Programs

Find out how much you could save with AB&R SmartCare Coverage. Fill out the form below and an AB&R specialist will contact you.